
I started a new HOWTO section in the wiki [1]. These HOWTOs should cover 
tutorials and tips how specific things can be done using MacPorts. This 
is meant to be an addition to the guide and should not contain topics 
already covered by the guide. It is a place editable by everyone to 
share tips and tricks.

So far I just added two HOWTOs to demonstrate how they should look like. 
If you have a good idea what such a HOWTO could cover, feel free to add 
it to the list. And if you even want to help by writing a HOWTO/tutorial 
yourself in order to make using MacPorts easier, there is a template 
which you can use as a start.

So far I added two HOWTOs, one explaining how to use ccache and another 
how parallel building can be enabled. Of course you are free to edit 
them e.g. to add further information.

Also, there is a list what could also be written. Even if you don't have 
time to write a HOWTO yourself, please make your mind what else could be 
useful and add it to that list.


[1] http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/wiki/howto
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