I'm writing to attempt to gauge interest in whether and how MacPorts  
should participate in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) for 2008. See 

You might be inclined to address any of the following questions:

  - Do you feel MacPorts should participate in GSoC 2008?
  - Are there particular MacPorts projects you'd like to suggest?
  - Are you willing to be a GSoC mentor?
  - Would you be interested, as a student, in participating in a GSoC  
project for MacPorts?

GSoC pays students a wage for the summer to work on open source  
projects, and also a stipend to the project for each student project.

If interested, we need to move very quickly. As the Google GSoC FAQ  

        "We'll begin accepting applications from open source mentoring  
organizations on Monday, March 3, 2008; we'll stop accepting  
organization applications on Wednesday, March 12th."

Your feedback is welcome

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