On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 02:46:33PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>        Hey guys!
>>        The guide is advancing so nicely that I'm afraid we've hit the
>> point when it's maybe becoming a tad too large for a single page, wouldn't
>> y'all think?
>>        Every time I have to load a section of the guide a have a moment
>> of hesitation in fear of loading such a large document! At this point in
>> time, wouldn't it be better to have a single html page per chapter?
>>        Just my thoughts,...
>> -jmpp
> Juan,
> Well I agree it is really too big, but on the other hand we hated to split
> it and have cumbersome "forward" and "back" buttons.  Also it makes
> searching easier in one page, but then I suppose indexing might solve
> that.  But then maybe a page for each chapter wouldn't be too bad.  I
> guess we should experiment and see how it looks and drives.
> Mark

Hi all,

sorry for the late reply.

I just created a chunked version of the guide and uploaded it on my homepage:

Please tell me what you think and if I should change anything.

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