
It happens from time to time that some maintainer is busy with work or 
school, has to move, is on vacation or attends some other event which 
prevents him from taking action on new tickets.

So I want to setup a new wiki page (like MaintainerAway) where anybody 
can add himself with a small explanation how long he is going to be away 
and maybe also why.

If someone adds himself onto this wiki page all of his/her ports will be 
treated like if they have openmaintainer on them, so anybody can commit 
updates without explicit permission. This should be taken like a 
temporarily openmaintainer status. Or the maintainer could also add 
someone else who should take care of his/her ports for this time.

The main advantage would be that the 72h delay does not have to pass as 
the maintainer will not answer anyway.

The wiki page could look like this (with a proper table, of course):
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 2008-04-01 to 2008-04-10 | On vacation, please
                                                      ask foobar@
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 2008-03-14 to 2008-04-01 | Exams

Of course this would also need to be documented in our guide.

Any comments appreciated. Do you think this would be an improvement to 
our infrastructure?


PS: I am writing to both lists as I think this is also an interesting 
topic for our users.
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