On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 02:04:48PM +0100, Rainer Müller wrote:
>>> I just tried this using DocBook but it didn't work for me. So I used a
>>> simple
>>> sed replacement to get this working. I created two examples:
>>> http://ruderich.com/macports/guide-link.html
> I like this one with the links. It makes it easy to get the URL which links
> exactly to this section. Good work!
> [snip]
> Rainer

Hi Rainer,

sorry for the late reply.

I'm glad you like it. I just [1] committed the change and now the guide makes
it easy to link to subsections. Thanks for the suggestion.


[1]: http://trac.macports.org/projects/macports/changeset/35199
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