Just use @prefix_expended@ and @x11prefix@ which will get expanded on
install. We already use them at other places in this file.

Are you saying that we should move where the binpath setting is set from
wherever it is now to macports.conf?  Also, what is @prefix_expended@
variable?  I'm not familiar with that.

Sorry, I typed it wrong. This should have been @prefix_expanded@ with an 'a' instead of an 'e'.

This @foo@ notation gets replaced with the real path on ./configure using autoconf. For example see the prefix and x11prefix options in the same file.

So binpath could be like this:
#binpath @prefix_expanded@/bin:@prefix_expanded@/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:@x11prefix@/bin

All paths will get replaced automatically.

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