On May 14, 2008, at 6:47 AM, Charles Darwin wrote:

I got this:

DEBUG: Executing destroot_finish
--->  Compressing man pages for readline
DEBUG: Scanning man3
man3/history.3:  66.1% -- replaced with man3/history.3.gz
man3/history.3.gz: changing permissions from 00644 to 00444
man3/readline.3:         67.7% -- replaced with man3/readline.3.gz
man3/readline.3.gz: changing permissions from 00644 to 00444
DEBUG: checking for mtree violations
DEBUG: Uninstalling readline 5.2.007_0+darwin_9
DEBUG: bash depends on this port
---> Unable to uninstall readline 5.2.007_0+darwin_9, the following ports depend on it:
--->         bash
DEBUG: Please uninstall the ports that depend on readline first.
   while executing
"portuninstall::uninstall $portname ${version_installed}_ $revision_installed$oldvariant $optionslist" Error: Uninstall readline 5.2.007_0+darwin_9 failed: Please uninstall the ports that depend on readline first.

So I force installed and got through.

sudo port -sdRnuf upgrade outdated

It reinstalled/updated? the bash too.

Well yes, you told it to upgrade all outdated ports. This is not relevant to macfuse at all. If you wanted to update macfuse you should have just said `sudo port -unf upgrade macfuse`.

-Kevin Ballard

Kevin Ballard

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