Is there some way to specify a global set of command-line arguments?

You can set EXTRA_ENV in macports.conf, but not command-line args?

I've had to hack portconfigure.tcl in order to get what I want. Is  
there a better way?

On Jun 18, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Rainer Müller wrote:

> Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I don't want to introduce yet more ways for two users to think they
>> have installed the same thing but in fact they haven't. You're just
>> creating more support headaches that way.
> It is already possible to choose another compiler from the command  
> line:
>   $ sudo port install <portname> configure.compiler=gcc-4.2
> So adding a new option in macports.conf just moves this from the  
> command
> line to a config file.
> But I can understand your concerns that users might be blindly  
> choosing
> gcc-4.2 (that's the one with the greater number!) without knowledge.
> Rainer
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