Citando Maximilian Nickel :
> On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Emmanuel Hainry<> wrote:
> > The texlive port is orphaned (has no maintainer) so anybody interested
> > in updating it can adopt it.
> The problem here is, that the old texlive_* ports followed the OpenBSD
> layout and had the distinction between texlive_texmf-minimal and
> -full. Unfortunatly since the 2008 release there are no -minimal/-full
> tarballs anymore, just one big texmf tarball.
> It seems unreasonable to me to fetch 890+MB and then just copy some
> part of it into destroot, as it would be the case for texmf-minimal.
> The options i see are
> 1) stick with current distinction, fetch whole distribution and just
> copy the parts into destroot that are needed
> 2) stick with current distinction and provide -minimal/-full tarballs
> 3) drop -minmal and rename -full to texlive_texm

My goal was the second point. As we have distfile mirrors now, it should
not have been a problem to distribute our own tarballs. But before that,
making the whole thing compile* was needed.

Note that there is yet another solution which is install precompiled
binaries as they come with mactex instead of compiling as texlive_base
does. Problem is, it installs in /usr/texbin and is probably not
flexible about that.

*: and not step over other ports as ps2eps, t1utils, xdvipdfmx, ... and
install in destroot properly.

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