On 2009-09-17 23:26 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> Personally, I prefer to tell the user where the sample files are so  
> they can make copies if and when they want. Other port authors have  
> taken recently to copying the sample files for the user.

If the software requires the config file to run at all, it makes sense
to copy it in a post-activate phase. Otherwise, there is no need to do this.

> I didn't realize there had been a specific decision not to do anything  
> about configuration files in MacPorts base; I figured it was just  
> something nobody had gotten to yet. There is an open ticket:
> http://trac.macports.org/ticket/2365

This has just been ignored as it is on lower priority in my opinion. We
also offered this as a Google Summer of Code task the last years as it
would be relatively easy and even had students interested in the topic.

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