On 2010-10-23 11:56 , Marko Käning wrote:
> I just noticed that it is possible for any registered user to create own wiki 
> pages on MacPorts' trac.
> I found it strange though that it was not possible to delete a previously 
> created page anymore.
> This, I understood, is only allowed to committers.
> Is that intended?


Deletion is a permanent operation and deletes any history or changelog
for the page. There is no easy way to revert it, so that should be used
with caution.

> I believe if a normal registered user is allowed to create pages, he/she 
> should also be allowed to remove their own pages again.

Who owns a page? The user who started it? The user who contributed the
most? The last user editing the page?

As many people can make edits on a single page it would be bad if
someone else could delete it just because they created it...

> (But, I don't know how isolation between different users is actually 
> implemented, so perhaps this is even not possible to arrange in a safe 
> manner.)

There are no user-specific permissions in Trac AFAIK.

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