On 2010-11-30 07:50 , Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
>  How many people (in the maintainers group) even still have G4/Tiger
> hardware to test on and what sorts of statements can be made about what
> percentage of the MacPorts "ports collection" works on SnowLeopard,
> Leopard and Tiger?  Probably none, since that kind of exhaustive testing
> has always been conspicuously absent for even the latest releases of
> MacOSX and MacPorts, but it seems somewhat less than fair to either the
> maintainers or the users of MacPorts to have Tiger users assume anything
> at all about the state of support, and if they can't assume anything,
> then where's the value?

Bill actually completed possibly the first ever full run of MPAB a while
ago. Admittedly it was on 10.6, but that was actually harder than doing
it on an earlier OS (because of "interesting" chroot issues previously
mentioned on this list), and I don't think it would be too hard to
rustle up a 10.4/ppc box.

We're basically waiting for MPWA to be up and running to give us a
platform on which to actually report the results, which was itself
blocked on some internal macosforge matters last I heard.

This will hopefully go a long way towards letting users know where they
stand once it's complete.

- Josh
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