On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 08:24:05PM -0400, Jack Howarth wrote:
>    Can I get Ticket 30331...
> https://trac.macports.org/attachment/ticket/30331/Portfile.diff
> committed to switch pymol from Numeric to py26-numpy/py26-scipy?
> Upstream has commited my patches so bumping the svn pull to r3962
> eliminates the need for the original pymol_numpy.diff patch.
>    I also need Ticket 29243...
> https://trac.macports.org/attachment/ticket/29243/Portfile.diff
> committed to fix the broken pynmr package which was never corrected
> for the new location of pymol since we adopted the setup.py
> installation approach. This Portfile.diff also manually patches
> pynmr to use the oldnumeric modules from numpy/scipy. An explcit
> depend on those ports isn't required since pymol provides that.
>      Thanks in advance.
>             Jack
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Any chance I can get a commit on these two ticketes so that they
can be closed?
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