The formats that use `tar --use-compress-program`
are broken on Snow Leopard, because bsdtar is...

tar: Error opening archive: (Empty error message)

Using gnutar instead would work, but not all
invocations match requirements (e.g. ./+CONTENTS)

gnutar: +CONTENTS: Not found in archive

So basically .tgz and .tbz are the only tarballs*
working, and .tlz and .txz are currently broken.
It does work to *create* them, since that uses a
pipe instead. Which also hints on how to fix it.

One also needs to use either the -d (decompress)
flag, or the "unlzma" and "unxz" linked variants
(compare "gunzip" and "bunzip2" for the others)
for it to work with bsdtar, or in a command pipe.

Using a compression library is faster than having
to fork a separate decompressor, so its preferred.

Newer versions of libarchive/bsdtar does support
LZMA/XZ by library, but are disabled on Lion...


* OK, using .tar (or .xar) should also work still
  but might as well keep with .tbz2 (default) then

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