In the course of plotting the MacPorts dependency graph for my own edification, 
I discovered that there are some ports that have incorrect dependencies (i.e., 
they depend on ports that don't exist).  For the most part, these appear to be 
typos or name changes that were not updated everywhere.

The errors I discovered were:

        biblatex-biber -> piblatex-module-build
        p5-list-uniq -> p5.12-list-uniq
        pemail -> p5.12--mail-pop3client
        pemail -> p5.12--mime-lite
        pemail -> p5.12--term-readkey
        py-pyxmpp -> py-p-dnspython
        py-pyxmpp -> py-p-libxml2
        py-pyxmpp -> py-p-m2crypto
        rb19-main -> rb19-fattr
        yi -> alex
        yi -> happy

yi, for example, should be depending on hs_alex and hs_happy, and the py-p-* 
and p5.12--* ones should be py-* and p5.12-* respectively.  I don't know about 
piblatex-module-build, p5.12-list-uniq, and rb19-fattr.

This kind of consistency check is easy to do, and seems like it ought to be the 
kind of thing that's done automatically somewhere along the way.


P.S.  If I were good, I'd file tickets on these packages.  I have not filed any 
tickets on them, however.

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