Ryan Schmidt wrote:

>> Fortunately Mac OS X has universal binaries, so it has it easier and
>> of course there's only x86_64 in Lion anyway so that's also "easy". :-)
> Surely not? I know Lion only runs on x86_64 processors, but surely we can 
> still compile things for i386 on it? We have many ports that require that.

Right, I just meant that the supported CPU itself is only x86_64.
There's still i386 support, not to worry. Just no PowerPC/Rosetta.

But if building a binary for a regular program, there is no need
for a i386 version unless there are some legacy requirements*...

* whether those are Carbon or Win32 or whatever needs 32-bit now.

BTW: The context was that fink/dpkg only allow one architecture,
so you needed /sw and /sw64 if you want both 32-bit and 64-bit.

Just like on Linux, you have lib and lib64 (or lib32 and lib) ?


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