> On Nov 15, 2011, at 5:31 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Nov 14, 2011, at 07:53, Hiroshi Umemoto wrote:
>>> On Nov 13, 2011, at 2:04 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> On Nov 12, 2011, at 09:28, h...@macports.org wrote:
>>>>> Modified Paths:
>>>>> --------------
>>>>> trunk/dports/devel/pficommon/Portfile
>>>>> +variant mysql description {Enable mysql} {
>>>>> +    depends_lib-append    lib:mysql_config:mysql5
>>>>> +    configure.args-delete --disable-mysql
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>> +variant postgresql description {Enable postgresql} {
>>>>> +    depends_lib-append    lib:libpq:postgresql91
>>>>> +    configure.args-delete --disable-postgresql
>>>>> +}
>>>> You should use path:- or port:-style dependencies. lib:- and bin:-style 
>>>> dependencies would allow dependencies installed by the user outside of 
>>>> MacPorts to satisfy them, which we don't want.
>>>> You also probably need to tell the configure script how to find these 
>>>> versions of MySQL and PostgreSQL since they're both installed in 
>>>> nonstandard locations.
>>> Thank you for your comments.
>>> Actually, I do not care about which version of the databases the port 
>>> depends on, which are installed either inside or outside of MacPorts. 
>>> Especially, PostgreSQL 9.0.4 is pre-installed on Lion (10.7.2), and I think 
>>> we do not have to install it with MacPorts all the way.
>> MacPorts policy is to use MacPorts versions of libraries, not those that 
>> might be included in certain versions of OS X. This creates more predictable 
>> ports across OS versions.
>> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/FAQ#ownlibs
> OK, I will follow the policy of macports, but I have a question. There are 
> several versions of postgresql in macports, and I think the port should not 
> depend on a specific version of postgresql. Do you have any idea how to 
> specify the dependency in the Portfile?

I added several variants to use MacPorts version of database libraries, such as 
+mysql, +postgresql, +postgresql90, +postgresql84. Committed in r87364.
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