On Nov 21, 2011, at 6:34 PM, Joshua Root wrote:
> Maybe the license information in the portfile is wrong (e.g. it's
> actually GPL-2+), or they're shipping an older LGPL-2.x version of gmp,
No, it is correct. It's version 3.

> or it's possible to turn off the use of gmp and they are. Otherwise
> they're not permitted to distribute aqbanking.
Aqbanking actually requires gmp.

> With KDE I think our main problem is that the GPL conflicts with the
> OpenSSL license. Some distros have reasoned that the system library
> exception in the GPL applies to them here, because they distribute
> OpenSSL with the OS. Others have taken to patching everything GPL'd to
> use GnuTLS or NSS instead of OpenSSL.
I see. So, it looks like there will not be a single KDE4 port binary 
distributable unless someone starts to patch KDE4 in such a way that it doesn't 
use OpenSSL anymore.
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