Am 01.12.2011 um 05:29 schrieb Ryan Schmidt:

> On Nov 30, 2011, at 01:49, KonaBlend wrote:
>> Upstream mkvtoolnix 5.1.0 has introduced a requirement for various c++11 
>> features which at this time are available via gcc 4.6 or higher. clang 
>> top-of-trunk is not yet there; specifically initializer lists and lambda 
>> support are absent. Also note since the upstream author does not use OSX, 
>> it's very likely that as clang catches up on these features, mkvtoolnix will 
>> expand its c++11 feature usage dictated by gcc.
>> Given the undefined (unreliable and risky) nature of mixing 3rd-party c++, 
>> standard c++, and low-level c++ runtime libraries, going forward the safest 
>> way to build this port is to guarantee a consistent compiler and standard 
>> c++ library is used for building:
>> a. mkvtoolnix
>> b. libboost*.dylib
>> c. libstdc++.dylib
>> d. libgcc_s.dylib
>> Here is an outline to a solution I'm thinking of:
>> 1. new port:mkvtoolnix-gcc46 and install to mkvtoolnix private subtree.
>> 2. new port:mkvtoolnix-boost and install to mkvtoolnix private subtree.
>> 3. modify port:mkvtoolnix to depend on port:mkvtoolnix-gcc46 and 
>> port:mkvtoolnix-boost and install to mkvtoolnix private subtree.
>> 4. make mkv executables available to /opt/local/bin via symlinks
>> This solution, while duping gcc46 and boost, does continue to significantly 
>> benefit from and use the macports tree to the tune of at least 15 other 
>> dynamic libraries. In the future as mkvtoolnix requirements become aligned 
>> with the general shared macports tree, things can be simplified again.
>> Thoughts?
> Ugh. It sounds ugly.
> Can the clang-3.0/clang-3.1 ports help at all? If one of those would work for 
> building mkvtoolnix I'd rather use those than gcc46, given all the problems 
> gcc46 has had and still has (see issue tracker) and the fact that the future 
> of OS X is based on clang, not gcc.
> Another option would be to not update mkvtoolnix, until it returns to 
> programming practices that are compatible with compilers in Xcode.

I do not know mkvtoolnix but when I read
it seems that the author does not really care about portability.
Dropping support for everything before suse 12.1 which came out
just a few weeks ago does not sound too nice.
If there's no  chance to get the author back on track
I'd recommend to wait with updating and have a private playground for
the most current release.

Privately installing really big packages like boost and gcc and every c++ 
that mkvtoolnix might use is not what I think macports was intended for.


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