On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 07:41:00AM -0800, James Berry wrote:
> Any more information you can give about the failure mode would be 
> appreciated. According to my testing, xcode-select -print-path can be safely 
> run even if you've never agreed to the Xcode agreement, so I don't think 
> that's what this is, though I could be wrong. Is it truly the case that 
> xcode-select -print-path did return an error code, or didn't return a valid 
> path? 

Yes -- it seems that xcode-select returns an error code if no Xcode
directory is selected (vs. having an invalid one selected). AFAICT,
this happens only if there was no earlier Xcode version installed, and
it doesn't matter whether or not you've launched Xcode and accepted the EULA.

I fixed this in r90074. After that change, your mdfind stuff works great
and suggests the right command to run.

(This shouldn't affect any older systems; on all the ones I've seen,
either `xcode-select -print-path` works or it doesn't exist at all.)


Dan R. K. Ports              MIT CSAIL                http://drkp.net/
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