On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 10:54:32AM -0500, Eric Cronin wrote:
> This is probably an issue with a ton of our perl ports that install things in 
> bin since before subports and the updated perl5 port that was the correct 
> hashbang line:

Yes, I noted this issue in

The problem seems to be pretty widespread -- I did a similar test on my
system and found 107 ports installing files that reference unversioned
perl binaries. I think many (most?) of these aren't problems, but some
are, and finding them may take some effort.

Given that, my preferred solution -- if we can accept it -- would be to
support only one version of perl. That eliminates the need to make sure
we're using the right perl. It'd also keep us from running into the
equivalent of the situation we occasionally see with Python where ports
wind up needing to install multiple versions of Python as dependencies,
causing much user frustration.


Dan R. K. Ports              MIT CSAIL                http://drkp.net/
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