
I'm experiencing a weird error--neither fs_traverse or system "find . blah" will consistently walk through _all_ of the directories in the source of the port.

Background: for reasons unknown, I'm getting Makefiles that include -L<blank> in the LIBS = line. There are 78 Makefiles and the expedient thing to do is find them all and strip out the bad bits. I ran the port configure step (this patching is done post-configure) and it took MANY tries to finally get all 78 Makefiles searched and patched. Many times, it was apparent that _some_ of the Makefiles had been patched; but not all. I thought it was my inexperience with tcl so I gave up on fs_traverse. Once or twice, it seemed "find . -name "Makefile" -exec sed -i '' 's/ -L / /g' {} \;" _also_ stopped midway but then it worked. I thought I'd found the magic formula.

Shortly after I achieved my first successful build of MythTV doing it step by step. (Port fetch ... port install.) I wanted to start fresh so I uninstalled and did a port clean then kicked off a port install. The portfile and the debug log are linked below.


The find command then quit after finding 22 of the 78 Makefiles. (Because of the problems I've been having, I print them out to the log first and then patch them all.) Of course, linking then fell over after receiving one of the blasted -L<blank>s that it hates so much.

Is it possible that some of the Makefiles are still in use/open for access when this command is running and that is causing fs_traverse and/or find to silently give up the search? Or something else? Should I do this step pre-build for some reason?

Any help gratefully accepted.

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