
So, I'm back working on a port of MythTV; thanks to Michael Dickens for finding and fixing a flaw in the QT4-mac port. I really want to use a recent version of the Fixes/0.25 branch as some bugs affecting the Mac were fixed recently. A Myth dev tells me that GitHub deliver the identical zipball for a particular commit (say 9ccfac11f3...) via:


In Safari, this downloads "MythTV-mythtv-v0.25-84-g9ccfac1.zip".

I've tried several combinations of master_sites, distfiles, and distname with little success. For example ...

set sha1_long       9ccfac11f31d8d05d48092efcbec8015c68f6cc1
master_sites        https://github.com/MythTV/mythtv/zipball/
distfiles           $sha1_long
extract.suffix      {}
checksums           rmd160  08598846aa0cf909a75c67c76183a6d044eff90a \
sha256 e7d681ad0d1e22d87b11779665966627354b71864c4269f1d789cce9649ec120

This fetches a file (named "9ccfac11f31d8d05d48092efcbec8015c68f6cc1", 79.5 MB) which passes the checksum but fails to unzip, complaining "has more than one entry--rest ignored". I'm still a neophyte with MacPorts, TCL and lots of other stuff! ;)

Any suggestions on how to get this to work? Might be useful in other cases, as well.


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