
I'm trying to add a user (with a new group) and I can't get it to work. Below are the relevant bits from the portfile.

set mythtvuser          ${name}user
set mythtvgroup         myth
set mythtvhomedir       ${prefix}/var/${mythtvuser}
add_users ${mythtvuser} group=${mythtvgroup} home=${mythtvhomedir} \
    passwd=mythtv realname=MythTV_User

There doesn't seem to be an error message from the add_users line but when I use xinstall in the pre-activate phase, it complains there is no such group. Also, in System Preferences->Accounts, my user doesn't show up. (It should, right?)

If you want to see the full Portfile (with these bits commented-out), go to:

I notice that other ports, like couchdb and dbus use separate addgroup and adduser functions. Are these deprecated?


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