OK - that clarifies what will go wrong in a way so that even I can
understand it ;-)

Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
> On May 17, 2012, at 7:25 p.m., Bjarne D Mathiesen wrote:
>>> Your idea won't work right. If the path to an arbitrary perl is
>>> inserted into any of the files installed by the port, the build is no
>>> longer repeatable.
>> But I'm *not* inserting an arbitrary value of Perl into any file.
>> At configure the variable will be evaluated and turned into a hard value
>> as far as I can tell.
> The build would not be repeatable because it would depend on factors external 
> to the given port -- namely, it would be dependent on whatever perl5 points 
> to at the time you build. (Also, if you don't have perl5 installed at all, it 
> will default to perl5.12 and install it if it's missing, even if you have 
> perl5.14.)

How about if we just don't care that much about breaking this when
people switch to another major version of Perl ???

We must assume -some- intelligence on the part of people that install
Perl & ports that depend on Perl. We do that already in asking them to
configure some ports & moving files around. So how about a warning in
Perl5 that switching Perl5 version will break future re-builds of the
ports they have that depend on a version of Perl5 ??? & telling them
which ports will break upon re-building ???

Otherwise, I do think that we should focus on supporting just one single
version of Perl5. That discussion was brought up earlier in the thread.
For a summary see :

>> As far as I can see, my proposal is no different from what's already
>> working in *all* p5- ports. Try eg :
>> less $(port file p5-acme-lolcat)
> p5-acme-lolcat defines subports, each of which depends on a specific version 
> of Perl. Having subports is not the same as doing a build with whatever Perl 
> happens to be lying around.

I really do think we need to find some kind of solution to this problem
with having Perl 5.12 hardcoded into 96 (the 92 my scipt finds in my
setup + the 4 I've personally converted) ports. Presently, it hinders
people in using any other version of Perl unless they are willing to do
what I've done : have a local repo with pathces with all of the troubles
that can lead to.

Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.3 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3
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