I'm a bit confused about MacPorts packaging targets: mpkg, dmg, etc.
I don't have a spare system to test these things out. I've looked at
the documentation
(http://guide.macports.org/#using.binaries.binary-packages) and the
man page for port without enlightenment.
So, if I create a dmg of my port and a user installs it on another
machine, I presume all the bits and bobs end up in the same file
system locations as when I do 'sudo port install myport' on a machine
with MacPorts. IOW, virtually everything under ${prefix}. Although
${prefix} _must_ be /opt/local for a dmg install, no?
What happens if the destination machine has MacPorts installed before
doing a dmg install? Is "myport" now shown as an installed port?
Can myport be deactivated by MacPorts?
If MacPorts is installed before doing an install with a dmg, what
happens to dependencies that may already be present on the
destination machine? Ie the destination machine might have older,
newer or the same version of one or more dependencies, possibily with
different variants. Does the dmg overwrite them? Will the dmg warn
about this?
What happens if MacPorts is installed _after_ the dmg install of
myport? Again, will Macports identify that myport and all its
dependencies are installed? Will 'sudo port upgrade' work?
What if the user wants to install an additional port that depends on
myport (call it "myportplus"). If myport was installed via dmg and
the user wants to install myportplus via MacPorts, will it be
recognised that the myport dependency is already satisfied or will it
be downloaded and installed fresh? (Which many take multiple hours
in my case as I depend on a non-default variant of Qt4-mac.)
Thanks for any light you can shed!
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