On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 08:42:00AM -0600, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> Deactivating octave
> an invalid entry was passed while executing "$dependent name" (procedure 
> "receipt_sqlite::list_dependents" line 18) invoked from within 
> "${macports::registry.format}::list_dependents $name $version $revision 
> $variants" (procedure "registry::list_dependents" line 3) invoked from within 
> "registry::list_dependents $pvals(name)" (procedure "portlist_sortdependents" 
> line 7) invoked from within "portlist_sortdependents $portlist" (procedure 
> "action_deactivate" line 6) invoked from within "$action_proc $action 
> $portlist [array get global_options]" (procedure "process_cmd" line 95) 
> invoked from within "process_cmd $remaining_args" invoked from within "if { 
> [llength $remaining_args] > 0 } { # If there are remaining arguments, process 
> those as a command set exit_status [process_cmd $remaining..." (file 
> "/opt/local/bin/port" line 4784)

Sounds like https://trac.macports.org/ticket/34482. This cannot be fixed
automatically, I'm afraid somebody will have to do the fix manually on
the buildbot. There's a script in the ticket that will automate the fix,
We should also upgrade the buildbots to 2.1.3 to prevent this from
happening again.

> Also, only on the Lion buildbot, graphviz-devel failed to build:
> https://build.macports.org/builders/buildports-lion-x86_64/builds/7697/steps/compile/logs/stdio
> I'm concerned about this line printed during configure:
>   pangocairo:    No (pangocairo library not available)
> pangocairo should of course be available. It's declared as a
> dependency and has always worked before, and works fine on the Snow
> Leopard and Mountain Lion buildbots, and on my Lion test machine.

We've seen a couple of similar reports recently, where dependencies were
correctly declared but still not installed. Did we recently change parts
of the code doing this?

Clemens Lang

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