On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:

>> +github.setup            carvalho numlua 0.3
>> +github.tarball_from     downloads
> Here you say you're going to fetch from github downloads
>> +use_zip                 yes
>> +master_sites            https://github.com/carvalho/numlua/archive/
>> +set     archive_hash    f05281e96030adb9c09a01b9d9be4fa9fa4c795e
>> +distfiles               ${archive_hash}.zip
>> +worksrcdir              numlua-${archive_hash}
> But here you override that by setting your own values. Was downloading from 
> github downloads, as configured by the portgroup, not working?

That's a legacy line that I put in when I started editing the portfile
and forgot to delete, it skipped my svn diff review.
github's download api is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore, the
repository doesn't have a tag so I'm using the latest hash since that
builds fine. I asked the author to add a tag for 0.3 .

>> +                        lib:fftw:fftw-3 \
>> +                        lib:hdf5:hdf5-18
> lib:-style dependencies should almost never be used, because they allow 
> libraries installed outside of MacPorts to satisfy them. Use port:- or 
> path:-style dependencies instead unless there's a specific reason.

That's the whole point of using lib:, what would be the disadvantage
in using external lib in this case?

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