On Jul 22, 2013, at 11:16, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

> I would be really grateful if wxWidgets situation could be resolved in
> not-too-distant future. The version 2.9.5 has been released recently,
> version 2.8 doesn't compile on 10.7 (other than with an old Xcode/SDK
> version) & 10.8 and most ports still depend on 2.8. Those that work
> with 2.9 use weird option names.
> Here are some of the tickets:
> - https://trac.macports.org/ticket/38375 Ports depending on wxWidgets*
> should either use path-style dependencies or variants instead
> - https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39807 wxWidgets: allow side-by-side
> installation of 2.8 and 2.9
> - https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39806 wxWidgets-devel: update to 2.9.5
> - https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37819 wxWidgets should be removed /
> replaced_by wxWidgets30
> - https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39786 wxWidgets @2.9.5 universal build 
> fails
> - https://trac.macports.org/ticket/26082 wxWidgets 2.6.4 failed to install
> To ask a simple question, so that I could start testing a bit:
> 1.) How could I create a simple Portgroup that would define a variable
> or function
>    wxwidgets.config (or confscript/configscript/wxconfig)
> whose value would be
>    ${prefix}/lib/wx/config/mac-unicode-${installtype}-2.8
> in case of 2.8 (installtype is "release" or "debug") and
>    ${prefix}/lib/wx/config/osx_cocoa-unicode-2.9
> in case or 2.9?
> 2.) Maybe this is not needed, but what would be the proper way to do
> "port select" (or whatever else) whose only functionality would be to
> make a symlink from ${wxwidgets.config} to ${prefix}/bin/wx-config?

Why do you want to "port select" wxWidgets / wx-config? If you want it for 
purposes not related to MacPorts that's fine. Just remember that a portfile may 
not depend on something done by port select, nor require a user to use port 

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