On Dec 3, 2013, at 16:16, mk-macpo...@techno.ms wrote:

> when trying to set up a new port I ran into a strange thing with cmake:
> ---
> :info:configure -- Configuring done
> :info:configure CMake Error: The inter-target dependency graph contains the 
> following strongly connected component (cycle):
> :info:configure   "server" of type SHARED_LIBRARY
> :info:configure     depends on "core" (weak)
> :info:configure     depends on "view" (weak)
> :info:configure   "view" of type SHARED_LIBRARY
> :info:configure     depends on "server" (weak)
> :info:configure     depends on "core" (weak)
> :info:configure   "core" of type SHARED_LIBRARY
> :info:configure     depends on "server" (weak)
> :info:configure At least one of these targets is not a STATIC_LIBRARY.  
> Cyclic dependencies are allowed only among static libraries.
> —
> I don’t understand what’s going on here…
> I am using the kde4 portgroup for that port.
> Any hint for me?

All I can tell you is what cmake already told you: There is a circular 
dependency and it’s not allowed. Sounds like a broken cmake file. Have you 
reported this to whoever wrote it? They need to fix it.

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