Hello MacPorts Developers,

I'd like to invite you to test the MacPorts statistics service that Derek 
Ingrouville wrote during GSoC 2011. I made some progress over the last few days 
and while I was running a copy of the server for quite a while now I never had 
time to look at the client to finish it.

Luckily, Joshua was keeping a work-in-progress port version of the statistics 
client in his user directory and I found it almost complete. With some 
modifications and some server-side bugfixes, I'm pleased to announce that it 
works fine for me.

Because statistics aren't any fun without data, I'd like to invite you to test 
the statistics service. To do that, you can install the `mpstats` port from my 
user directory [1] or use the shortcut (feel free to inspect the tarball before 
  port -yourflags install https://www.neverpanic.de/documents/mpstats.tar

Note that the port uses `startupitem.autostart` in a way that only works with 
the most recent trunk [2]. If your MacPorts installation isn't compatible, the 
auto-loading will fail and you'll have to run `port load mpstats` manually. If 
you'd like to get your statistics data out there immediately, I'd also 
recommend to run `$prefix/libexec/mpstats submit` after you've installed the 
port. The webinterface [3] will update immediately. Please also test the web 
application extensively and fix any typos or bad wording you might encounter in 
SVN [4] – remember I'm not a native speaker.

NOTE: The mpstats port from my user directory is currently configured to submit 
to my development installation of the statistics server at 
http://stats.macports.neverpanic.de/. We do not have an installation as 
MacOSForge at the moment.

[1] https://trac.macports.org/browser/users/cal/ports/macports/mpstats
[2] https://trac.macports.org/changeset/116820
[3] http://stats.macports.neverpanic.de/
[4] https://trac.macports.org/browser/branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server

Clemens Lang
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