On 26 Feb 2014, at 19:31, Johannes Kastl <m...@ojkastl.de> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 22.02.14 21:44 Johannes Kastl wrote:
>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42593
> I made a patch for the portfile. But there are some thing missing in
> my patch. One thing is the post-destroot thingy.
> The other one is the livecheck.
> I patched the portfile to include the following:
> livecheck.url       [lindex ${master_sites} 0]
> livecheck.regex     "keyring-(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)${extract.suffix}"
> where ${master_sites} is set to
>> http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/k/keyring

You should probably use the https protocol hire. Otherwise you are redirected, 
and I am not sure if the livecheck handles this correctly. The other think I 
remember is that you need a trailing /

So try with:

> However, I have problems to open that page, as it seems to timeout.
> After opening its parent folder I sometimes get the results.
> But each time I do a livecheck via
>       port livecheck py-keyring
> I get a timeout:
>> Error: cannot check if py-keyring was updated (Failed connect to
>> pypi.python.org:9000; Operation now in progress)
> Could someone test this, please? Or should I stop bothering and delete
> the livecheck lines from the portfile?
> Regards,
> Johannes
> - -- 
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