Branching the subject a little, perhaps, but...

Looking at the statistics page for a particular port, say libpng:

This has a lot of information that a user might be interested in before installing a port. Right now, the port search page on the web leads to the Portfile, eg:

which isn't the prettiest advertisement for a piece of software.

To me, the web search should give the potential user enough information to decide if whether to install the package or not. A rough draft would be:

From Portfile:
-port/subport name  (link to Portfile)
-variants (list with descriptions)
-homepage (as link)
-dependencies (as links to other port pages; bonus marks if it could
link to an rdeps graph!)

From statistics:
# reported installs
-requested                /   last week, 1 month ago, 1 year ago
-installed as dependency  /   last week, 1 month ago, 1 year ago
-rank of reported installs, requested, last week:  xxx of 18,312
-link to page with more detailed statistics

From buildbots or package server (if possible):
Dates of most recent builds
-version built   /   Mavericks,  Mtn Lion,  Lion,      Snow Leopard
1.2.3_4              yesterday   yesterday  failed     unsupported
(indicator if unsuccessful, not supported on that OS)

I don't know if the last section is even possible. Would likely require the buildbots to update a database at the end of each build?


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