
> On 10 May 2014, at 08:59 am, Eric Le Lay <ele...@macports.org> wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm running macports 2.3.0 beta2 on 10.6.8 and can't configure macports
> to use binary archives. 
> I've set buildfromsource=never in macports.conf
> and used the -b flag with no success: they are simply ignored.
> It has recompiled freetype after glib2 after...
> my variants.conf is empty
> I've installed macports in a separate partition (/MAC2/x11/opt/local).
> Is it what's preventing me from using binary archives ?

Yes. Binary archives only work when using the default prefix.

> This would make sense but then why is port not issuing any warning or
> better failing when I set it to never build from source?
> Also it ignores build dependencies: it had to install graphite2 as a
> dependency and did not install cmake before. So install failed because
> it could not find the cmake executable.
> Are you aware of this? Is it specific to the beta2? Shall I open a
> ticket?
> Cheers,
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