Hi devs,

wouldn’t it be nice to have a “ticket” command for port?!

I am wondering whether this has been already suggested or not…

I am imagining the following:

1) Something like
$ port ticket foo
could open up the web browser and show all trac tickets for port foo.

2) Even better would be - in case of a problem with a specific port - the
   ability to file a ticket from the command line using something like
$ port ticket -c foo
This would extract the currently installed version of foo on the local
machine, open a browser and pre-fill the trac form for filing a new
ticket [1] with the port's name, summary = "name & port version", and
port owner.

3) An issue query like this
$ port ticket -i 43617
could send the browser to https://trac.macports.org/ticket/43617

4) Adding the main.log file for the port in question could happen like this:
$ port ticket -l foo
$ # if it’s a bigger file zip it before transmission, perhaps capital ‘L'
$ port ticket -L foo

I remember there has been discussion about a trac-plugin which could
take care of properly populating trac’s data cells on ticket creation,
but due to license issues it hasn’t gone forward unfortunately [2].

Wouldn’t be a “ticket” port command an alternative/complementary approach?


[1] https://trac.macports.org/newticket
[2] https://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2013-October/024526.html
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