Hi Joshua,

when trying to run mpstats submit I met a problem which is caused by the 
current RC1.

On 11 May 2014, at 23:44 , Clemens Lang <c...@macports.org> wrote:
> It seems your tcl8.5 directory isn't readable by your user. Which user did 
> you use
> to install it? Which umask was set while you installed it? What are the 
> permissions
> of /opt/local/libexec/macports/lib/tcl8.5?
$ ls -la /opt/local/libexec/macports/lib/tcl8.5/.
drwxr-x--x  17 root admin    578 May 11 16:22 .

> I'm fairly confident the Tcl Makefiles get this right by installing using
>  install -m$explicitMode
> but let's make sure that's really the case.
Well, I was actually using the current Mavericks-PKG from [1] to install the 
RC1 version!

So, it looks like already the permissions IN THE PKG aren’t set correctly!


P.S.: Clemens just verified "drwxr-x--x ./opt/local/libexec/macports” as well!

[1] <https://distfiles.macports.org/MacPorts/testing/>
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