According to Fink's documentation, adding a ".build" extension to the
folder name has the same effect as adding a ".noindex" extension to it,
which is what they do with their build folder:

So that could be another option...

On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Craig Treleaven <>

> At 11:02 PM +0200 6/3/14, Clemens Lang wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I sometimes use EasyFind to search in portfiles.  I noticed today
>>>  that the macports folder under ${prefix}/var is no longer visible.  I
>>>  would guess this happened after I upgraded to MacPorts 2.3 but I
>>>  can't be certain.  Using the command line, I see the following:
>>>  [Š]
>>>  Was it an intended change to hide this directory?  Or a glitch on my
>>> system?
>> That was intentional. In specific, it's this Changelog entry:
>>   Disable Spotlight indexing on build directories, distfiles,
>>   registry, log files, archives, base source and the default ports
>>   tree. (cal in r113649)
>> You can avoid this by manually reverting the change and touching a file
>> named ".nohide" in the directory. See
> Thanks.  I noticed that in the change log but didn't see how it was
> implemented.
> Based on some searching (ie no hands-on experience!), it seems that it
> might be simpler to create a ".metadata_never_index" file [1] inside that
> folder to encourage Spotlight to leave it alone.  Alternatively, we could
> add ".noindex" to the folder name to achieve the same effect.
> Wouldn't one of these be a better solution?
> Craig
> [1]
> preventing-spotlight-from-indexing-files-folders
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