Of those ports you mention, I currently only have kchmviewer installed
on my current machine, which I installed while testing different
chm-viewing applications. I generally use the Chmox port for those
purposes now though. I would still urge caution when
removing/obsoleting the rest though, just in case. While kde3 may be
old and in some cases broken, one advantage that it does have is a
smaller installation footprint and does not take as long to compile. I
have been leaving qt3 installed on my current machine for this reason
for a while, so that its conflict with qt4-mac will prevent my machine
from wasting time compiling qt4-mac, at least until I have more
compile time available...

On 6/4/14, Nicolas Pavillon <ni...@macports.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> This topic has been discussed some time ago on this mailing list without a
> real conclusion, but I am again considering the status of KDE3 on Macports.
> Considering that Qt5 is out and KDEF5 is soon to be released, it makes KDE3
> more and more obsolete. Furthermore, it seems to not build presently on the
> later platforms (ticket #41136). I would therefore start considering making
> the whole KDE3 suite gradually obsolete unless there is some opposition
> after my mail.
> Considering the existing ports, it seems to me that there are first some
> dependents ports which could be dealt with (see list below), and then the
> KDE3 suite itself which could be made obsolete in a second stage. I tried to
> make below a list of the existing ports depending on kde3 that I hope to be
> exhaustive, along with my opinion about their status. Of course, any opinion
> is welcome about them.
> My idea would be that in case all the ports below can be handled, I would
> seriously consider to then make the whole kde3 suite obsolete too.
> Ports that can be replaced:
> - kmymoney: can be replaced with kmymoney4
> - filelight: can be replaced with kde4-filelight
> - kcachegrind: can be replaced with kcachegrind4
> - konversation11: can be replaced with konversation
> Ports without replacement:
> - kchmviewer: still depends on qt3, possesses a variant for kde which is
> said to be untested. The variant could be dropped in my opinion.
> - klibido: appears to be not developed anymore since 2006. After 8 years,
> the ports could be made obsolete.
> - ndmanager: there was a notice announcing the passage to qt4 in mid-2013,
> but no new development. Could be made obsolete.
> - qalculate-kde: there is a new version for kde4, but I could not get it to
> build. Even qalculate-gtk does not build presently on my platform. If the
> build is not fixed, it could be made obsolete anyway.
> - koffice: This is a big piece of kde3, along with a whole bunch of language
> ports.
>   There is a koffice2-devel port, but it has not been maintained at all
> (nomaintainer). It still depends on the old kde4 1.0 portgroup, and fails at
> the configure stage. As it is a non-working *-devel port, I would tend to
> make it obsolete.
>   There is also a new submission request for calligra (ticket #37579), which
> has not been submitted yet. I tested a little bit with the latest versions,
> and I can get something partly working, so that a port commit could be
> considered with what I have. For what I understand from a simplistic web
> search, calligra seems more promising than koffice2 as a stable release
> software. Koffice may then be set a replaced by calligra.
> From the list above, there could be some clean up which could be beneficial,
> along with some ports which are clearly obsolete. Then, in the case all of
> the above can be dealt with, it seems to me that kde3 could be set as
> obsolete and replaced by kde4. However, this simplistic way of expressing it
> does not consider the mess of ports in both architectures, so that a way of
> making the transition should be thought of.
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
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