Why don't we use perl_select?

> 11 июня 2014 г., в 18:27, "Daniel J. Luke" <dl...@geeklair.net> написал(а):
>> On Jun 11, 2014, at 4:44 AM, Mojca Miklavec <mo...@macports.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 1:49 AM, Mark Anderson wrote:
>>> I sadly have not had enough time to work on cpan-mp, I've been mostly
>>> learning the internals of macports first. But yeah, like I said on that
>>> other thread, the latest perl is enough. Back when 5.x stalled because
>>> everyone thought 6 was coming out it was ok to stay still. But now we get
>>> new Perls regularly.
>> There's probably nothing wrong with providing just the latest version
>> of Perl, but in order to do that one has to fix 1000+ packages and/or
>> properly implement the cpan2mp functionality (and redesign the
>> packages) before this can be done.
> why? it's not worse that what we have now (which is really the same set of 
> problems multiplied by the number of different perls we have + the explosion 
> of +perlX.Y variants that other ports need to support having different perls 
> installed).
>> There is one thing I fear a bit though if there was really just a
>> single version supported: nobody would dare to upgrade perl when a new
>> release comes out. And the upgrade scenario needs to be really well
>> thought-out in advance, as well as a chance to test pre-releases
>> locally (let's say an easy way for any macports user to switch to Perl
>> 2.21 and keep everything working properly).
> I'll assume you mean 5.21, not 2.21 (and that by 5.21 you really mean 5.22)
> I just did a perl upgrade on a few (production) machines (perl 5.18 to perl 
> 5.20 via perlbrew) and it went relatively smoothly - there were a couple of 
> modules that I did have to track down patches for, but nothing major (in 
> fact, almost everything built just fine, but a couple of things needed 
> patches to pass their test suites - but of course my set of installed modules 
> might be vastly different from other people's). Being able to stage/revert is 
> important.
> As things are now, it's a pain to move from one perl version to another 
> because you have to install the new perl (and maybe reinstall the perl5 port 
> to get symlinks that make you happy), generate a list of installed perl 
> modules, install new versions of those perl modules (assuming they've all 
> been updated to include the new perl and they all use the perl5 portgroup).
> It would be /much/ nicer if you could just do port upgrade outdated and have 
> macports install a new perl and rebuild all of the perl modules you had 
> installed for the new perl. Maybe it would be possible for MP (or one of us) 
> to set up a build machine that would just run through the new perl and all of 
> the perl modules before we commit a major upgrade (giving us at least a list 
> of the modules that fail and need attention).
> --
> Daniel J. Luke
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