On 6/14/14, 8:31 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Jun 14, 2014, at 4:55 PM, Kurt Hindenburg wrote:
I've noticed that more a few Portfile's have invalid homepage entries. I
hacked/copied/pasted portlivecheck.tcl to have livecheck output errors. Is
there already a way of doing this or a better way?
I'm not sure I understand completely. When you say invalid homepage, do you
mean a homepage that returns a 404 not found error? or a web server that is
offline? or a port having no homepage entry at all? And what is the behavior of
livecheck currently in that situation, and what does your patch change it to be
Yes, the homepage urls are in the Portfile and there's some issue
connecting to it. As far as I can tell, the current livecheck checks
the livecheck.url (which appears to be the master_site most of the
time). I didn't see anything that checks the homepage url. With my
patch, livecheck also checks homepage (it is a hack/copy/paste).
The correct solution, if a port has an invalid or bad homepage entry, is to
correct the homepage entry.
I agree but I don't see any automated way of checking to find invalid
homepage urls. I was more asking for comments about this issue rather
than suggesting using the patch.
jbigkit : checking homepage http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/jbigkit/download/
Error: Failed to connect to 2001:630:212:200::80:14: No route to host
Error: cannot check if jbigkit was updated (Failed to connect to
2001:630:212:200::80:14: No route to host)
jpeg : checking homepage http://www.ijg.org/files/
Error: The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
--- base/src/port1.0/portlivecheck.tcl (revision 121019)
+++ base/src/port1.0/portlivecheck.tcl (working copy)
@@ -87,6 +87,14 @@
return -code 1 "No available types were found. Check '$types_dir'."
+ if {$has_homepage} {
+ if {[catch {curl fetch {*}$curl_options ${livecheck.url} $tempfile}
error]} {
+ ui_msg "$subport : checking homepage ${livecheck.url}"
+ ui_error " $error"
+ }
+ }
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