Daniel J. Luke writes:

> On Aug 11, 2014, at 1:39 PM, Sean Farley <s...@macports.org> wrote:
>>> Anyone who had the previous file, including our automated systems, will now 
>>> encounter a checksum mismatch. To fix this please follow the recipe for 
>>> stealth updates:
>>> http://trac.macports.org/wiki/PortfileRecipes#stealth-updates
>> Why isn't this automatically done for revision bumps? This seems like
>> another task that is needlessly manual.
> probably because no one has submitted a patch to automate it?
> Most projects avoid doing stealth-updates, so this problem doesn't come up 
> extremely often (which maybe explains why no one has been motivated to make 
> the procedure more automated yet?)

True. Though, I've seen it come up enough that I've thought about
writing a patch for it. I should probably add a ticket for it so others
could reference it.
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