By way of background, my MythTV ports depend on p5.16-dbd-mysql, py27-mysql and php-5-mysql. Previously, all of these defaulted to the now-obsolete mysql5 variant. Now, py-mysql defaults to mariadb55. p516-dbd-mysql offers a "mariadb" variant; not "mariadb55". php5-mysql defaults to mysqlind ("MySQL native driver") and offers a "mariadb" variant; again not "mariadb55". p5.16-dbd-mysql still defaults to mysql5.

The subtle variance in naming the variants creates confusion. The range of defaults can lead to bloat and confusion.

Initially, I found there was a ticket related to py-mysql database variants [1] and I filed additional tickets for php5-mysql [2] and p5-dbd-mysql [3]. Since then, I thought to search for other ports that offer variants related to MySQL ('port echo variant:mysql*')--a total of 89 ports, of which about 20 are subports.


The tickets have been open for 6 weeks or more with no movement. I've started to do some analysis on this (with another thread asking for help) to see if we can standardize on a list of MySQL-related variant names and maybe even agree on a common default.

That's where the dictator comes in. At the moment, I would say the obvious choices for a default MySQL variant would be mysql55, mariadb55 or, maybe, mysql56. AFAICT there is no clear-cut, compelling reason to choose one over the others (technical, legal, religious, whatever). Other threads have touched on this issue, recently, with no clear consensus developed. Nonetheless, I think the MacPorts project would be better served by blessing one that can hold us for a few years rather than have various ports going in all different directions.

Is this something that the PortMgr group could take the lead on?

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