vincent writes:

>> Yes, atlas has a bunch of compiler variants. I would love for most or all of 
>> them to go away. But part of atlas needs fortran so it needs to deal with 
>> that at least. And I believe Vince argued that for atlas and other 
>> performance-critical scientific software it is beneficial to be able to try 
>> different compilers to get the absolute best performance. I'm not sure who 
>> actually has time to do that however. Also, atlas already builds itself 
>> multiple times with different compiler options to get best performance, 
>> which is why building atlas takes so long.
> This is mainly historical now. Clang has gone a long way from what it was two 
> years ago and can now outperform GCC on most kernels. But modern clang 
> versions are not available on all platforms (10.5 PPC). Besides, fortran is 
> still required for Atlas as long as you decide to build the  BLAS/LAPACK 
> interface, which almost all other ports depend on. The idea of keeping 
> multiple gcc variants was to avoid  the installation of a fresh copy of GCC 
> in case the version the user had installed and the one Atlas required weren't 
> the same, knowing that the version number is nowhere near to be important as 
> long as the fortran compiler is available (it's just to build the API).

The development burden of all these gcc versions is pretty high now. I
would suggest a (perhaps controversial) simpler approach:

- Always build BLAS/LAPACK for ATLAS (testing for its existence in a
  dependent port is burdensome)

- Always use clang for C/C++

- Drop PPC support

> I just wish llvm had a fortran front-end to avoid this mess. And, needless to 
> say, I'll welcome any suggestion to improve the layout of the port.

Ain't that the truth.
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