On Oct 18, 2014, at 7:19 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:

> On Oct 18, 2014, at 7:16 PM, Mark Brethen wrote:
>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 7:10 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 1:41 PM, Mark Brethen wrote:
>>>> Is it possible to specify e.g lib-depends {port:A || port:B} i.e. either 
>>>> port A or port B?
>>> No, unless port A and port B are different versions of the same software 
>>> that install their files to the same locations.
>>> For example, if your port requires Graphviz, then the dependency should be 
>>> written "path:bin/dot:graphviz"; thus either the graphviz port or the 
>>> graphviz-devel port will satisfy the dependency, since they both provide 
>>> (different versions of) the dot binary.
>>> What is the specific scenario you're dealing with?
>> I have four subports: A, B, C and D. Subports B, C depend on A (pretty 
>> straightforward). Subport D depends on either B or C. The stub installs all 
>> four.
> Can you be more specific? What are B and C, what is their relationship to one 
> another? Do they install the same files?

A are common files, B and C are different lisp systems (mutually exclusive), 
and D contains extras (emacs  mode, batch shell script, and a terminal-based 
interactive frontend) that work with either B or C.


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