At 4:02 PM -0700 3/14/15, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
On Mar 14, 2015, at 2:26 PM, Marko Käning <> wrote:
Installing all these dependencies is only acceptable for techies like us, but a normal
 user will never bother to deal with all the hassle.

I think we have an opportunity to extend what MacPorts does well to include relocatable packages or mdmg packages in a way that third parties can build distributable packages untethered from MacPorts and Xcode. Gimp, Kdenlive, digiKam, Octave and many KDE "things" would sing praises to MacPorts.

I created mythtv-pkg.27 solely to facilitate creating an installer package. Currently, MacPorts makes it possible to do something that would otherwise be much more difficult. As Clemens pointed out, it would be really nice if post-activate actions were automatically converted to postflight scripts. Better handling of launchd stuff would also be nice. Neither of these things are show-stoppers, though. One just has to provide clear user instructions for the bits that have to be done manually.

If we wanted to use the buildbots to assist with such packaging, I would think that we should add a directive to the appropriate portfiles that cause them to be packaged. Packaging individual libraries would be of no value. Packaging is valuable for those user-facing applications where upstream doesn't regularly produce dmg's.

Right now, I use Parallels to maintain several OS X environments to test building and deploying my Myth package. Putting some of that load on the buildbots would be darn nice. Especially making installers for each major OS version. But I would still want to test on a virgin system before inflicting it on unsuspecting users.

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