On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 06:36:06PM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> > Modified: trunk/dports/sysutils/synergy/Portfile (136191 => 136192)
> > +set major               [lindex [split ${macosx_version} .] 0]
> > +set minor               [lindex [split ${macosx_version} .] 1]
> > +configure.args -G \"Unix Makefiles\" \
> > +               -DOSX_TARGET_MAJOR=${major} -DOSX_TARGET_MINOR=${minor}
> Did you mean to overwrite the configure.args the cmake portgroup sets? 
> Usually when using the cmake portgroup you should append to configure.args 
> rather than overwriting them.

Yes -- IIRC there was something in the usual cmake configure.args that
was causing problems, but I forgot what it was.

(I made these changes a couple weeks ago, then went off for a while
before committing, giving me ample time to forget...)


Dan R. K. Ports                UW CSE                http://drkp.net/
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