On 2015-7-25 09:59 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Jul 21, 2015, at 9:04 PM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>>> On Jul 21, 2015, at 7:27 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> ok, so we should probably be copying the plist (instead of symlinking it - 
>>>> which is a lesson we should have already learned from back in the ‘images’ 
>>>> days) - and we likely also want something like the above.
>>> I don't remember: any reason why we need a copy/symlink there? Why can't we 
>>> just put the plist there (and only there)?
>> I believe it was a desire to have everything in $prefix (and maybe to 
>> facilitate when people have more than one install in different prefixes?)
> But if you have multiple installs, you already have to set 
> "startupitem_install no" and "startupitem_type none" in macports.conf on all 
> but one of them. There would be no significant difference if we were to 
> change MacPorts to install the plist file to its final destination directly, 
> rather than to put a symlink there.

What we should do is:
* Never put anything in /Library/LaunchDaemons at destroot time
* If $startupitem_install is true at activate time, hard-link or copy
(depending on if the volumes differ) the plist to /Library/LaunchDaemons
* Record that we did that so it can be removed at deactivate time

- Josh
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