On Nov 14, 2015, at 12:54 AM, Mark Brethen wrote:

> After running pypi2port and further tweeking I have the Portfile:
> PortSystem          1.0
> PortGroup           python 1.0
> name                py-swiginac
> version   
> platforms           darwin
> license             GPL

Any version of the GPL? Even version 1?

> maintainers         nomaintainer
> description         interface to GiNaC providing Python with symbolic 
> mathematics
> long_description    ${description}
> homepage            none

Needs a valid homepage URL.

> master_sites        sourceforge:swiginac.berlios
> distname            swiginac-${version}
> extract.suffix      .tgz
> checksums           md5     f1ca51b766eeb7a46967507fbf9cb31d \
>                    sha1    d3067a31686466580b589c6bb184ec494bf740a5 \
>                    rmd160  9b473942a8a4b010ddd4d51ec19b84d3f83a2c5c

Should use rmd160 and sha256 checksums.

> python.versions     27
> depends_build       port:pkgconfig
> depends_lib-append  port:GiNaC \
>                    port:swig

All dependencies belong in the "if {${name} ne ${subport}}" block.

> if {${name} ne ${subport}} {
>    depends_build-append \
>                        port:py${python.version}-setuptools
>    livecheck.type      none
> } else {
>    livecheck.type      regex
>    livecheck.url       ${master_sites}
> }

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