On Feb 21, 2016, at 7:56 PM, Fred Wright <f...@fwright.net> wrote:
> The latter part first led to a small pushback on the python2_select
> depndency (which I think I adequately answered), but then some more with
> one poster's preference for adding additional patches to inflict
> unnecessary monoversionism on the Python programs.  The latter not only
> reduces maintainability by increasing the divergence from upstream, but
> also represents a philosophical departure from former versions of the
> port, solely to avoid encouraging users to make their setups
> PEP0394-compliant.

It's also how we generally handle this in MacPorts (consistency and 
reproducibility being things that are important to us).

The proper fix from a MacPorts perspective is to depend on python27 and update 
the shebangs to point to the macports python27 install.

Daniel J. Luke

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