Sounds like they could use some help with their code. If you want to make your own version of a function like abs that behaves differently to the stdlib one, defining a macro with the same name is not the way to go about it. It's likely to misbehave regardless of which compiler you use, just because of the way C preprocessing works.

Have you tried just compiling with clang and seeing what happens?

- Josh

On 2016-4-2 18:04 , Mark Brethen wrote:
 From their installation guide:

For the compilation of cgx, therefore, the unmodified GCC 4.9 is
required because the modified (by Apple) GCC for several reasons is not
suitable for the compilation of cgx … The modified GCC includes the
individual compilers: gcc (GNU c compiler), g++ and clang. Because the
modified GCC has a problem with function overloading it is not suitable
for the 2compilation of cgx.

2In particular, the compilation of function: #define abs(x) ((x) >= 0 ?
(x) : -(x)) in the cgx-routine: “extUtil.h“ causes a compiler error. A
bug fix for the compiler was not available at the time the installation
of cgx was tested.

I have looked at that link but it doesn’t explain how, for example, to
set a default compiler. The compilers group gives more instruction, but
it’s not completely clear to me. I guess something like

compilers.choose    cc cxx cpp <> macports-gcc-4.9

On Apr 1, 2016, at 11:59 PM, Ryan Schmidt <
<>> wrote:

On Apr 1, 2016, at 23:03, Mark Brethen <
<>> wrote:

I’ve run into a snag building calculix. glut and libSNL are libraries
that calculix uses. I set

"compiler.whitelist      macports-gcc-4.9”

per the developers instructions.

Why? We usually do not want to use FSF GCC.

However there isn’t a configure so I’m not sure what else needs to be

subport ${name}-cgx {
  revision                0
  distname                cgx_${version}.all

  checksums               rmd160
 02302101f16c2b4cdd570e81986cc4d36c2110d8 \

  depends_run-append      port:openbrowser

  worksrcdir              CalculiX
  build.dir               ${worksrcpath}/cgx_${version}/src

  compiler.whitelist      macports-gcc-4.9

  patchfiles              patch-cgx-build.diff \
  patch.dir               ${workpath}

  post-patch {
      reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" \

  use_configure           no

livecheck.regex         {ccx_${version}.all}

When you set "use_configure no", you must add code to use the right
compiler and -arch flags and offer a universal variant. See:

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